Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's

Well, I am not a fan of April Fool's because I hate to have tricks played on me--and I learned early on in our marriage that when I played a trick, I got ten times a trick played back on me! Well, Aubrey and I decided to play a trick on Dad--pretty much what she did before--mess up Jon's DVD's. Only we did it really good! We mixed them up and even switched them around in the cases! I am a little worried about the repercussions of this. I guess we will find out what happens! Jon's family is avid April Fool's people! It's one of his mom's favorite "holidays". She always did several tricks--like sending a birthday cake to the choir room when he was in high school choir (it was not Jon's birthday) and the cake she ordered was actually a frosted cardboard box, parking his sister's car on the grass by the stairs of the seminary building, getting the janitor to open his locker and fill it with stuff, put peanut butter on the steering wheel of his car (and then do it again later), putting corn syrup on his bathroom door handle (and continually putting it on throughout the day), putting gelatin in the toilet bowl so that it sets (clear color), I could go on and on--Jon's family is ruthless when it comes to April Fool's, but he knows I don't really like it--though I am easing up a little, I want to play some jokes, so I guess I have to take some!


John said...

Ok Amy, we can't wait to hear what Jon does back. So please make a part two on this. And Jon's mom sounds like she has some good ideas. Once I made Ruth a peanut butter M&M sandwich on April Fools. I got John really good yesterday and the kids played some good jokes. I will get to blogging that later.

Becca said...

yeh these hansen ideas are pretty sweet. I went and bought a pregnancy test, had my friend who is 5 months prego pee on it and gave it to james when he got home from work.

he didn't fall for it one bit! I even hugged him super tight, welled up a few tears, and he simple said,"You're not 'i'm pregnant!' Becca." He knows me way to well!

Mary said...

Oh, you are mean! We actually don't play tricks...it's nice. :)