Thursday, February 3, 2011

I knew their room stank!!

Okay, so kids rooms stink.  Especially at night I have come to learn.  They are real sweaters and they can really stink up a room.  We go in to tuck them in each night--kiss their little heads and make sure they are covered and warm.  Each time we open that door--whoa--a whiff of lovely sweat mugginess.

Well apparently there was more to the story than I realized.  So we haven't gone through the dress-ups in a long time but I was tired of the tote of dress-ups which not only included several cute little princess dresses and accessories, but some legos, cars, trains, oh, and don't forget that pair of gloves of mine that I have been looking for oh, and Jon's Sunday belt and tie.  After dumping the pile of "Dress-ups" onto the floor and telling the kids to clean up the toys and only put dress-ups into the dress-up tote, I went to nurse my sweet little Amelia who doesn't put toys in the wrong place--oh wait, she can't pick them up yet, but she soon will.  Sitting, reading, and nursing in the other room I was, and much to my wondering eyes would appear but Mariah with her favorite little dress-up princess glove only her excitement was not about finding the glove, but what she found in the glove--yes as it happens, Mariah is my little raccoon and loses things all of the time and then is as excited on a Christmas morning when she finds her little purses or bags, or sock, or glove, or anything that can hold anything, stuffed full of old things she had "lost".  This time she found a lovely white hard-boiled egg. 

Yum Yum.