Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wheeler Farm

Emily and I and our kids went to Wheeler Farm for Harrison's birthday. We packed up some lunches, got in Emily's car--we all fit, and went on our way!!! We had lunch first thing when we got there. Jonathan felt so grown-up to be sitting this the older kids at the picnic table! It was really cute to watch how excited he was.
AFter eating, we walked around and looked at the animals. The kids LOVED looking at the animals. There were some geese that almost nipped Aubrey's finger! There was one that was really honking at us--the kids weren't quite sure what to think!

The kids even got brave and started petting some of the animals--particualarly the sheep. They touched the baby chicks too--they really were enjoying the baby chicks until they heard a rooster and ran off to find where it was! It was fun to see their excitement!

The tree-house they have built is really neat! It would be fun to build something like it someday. We took a wagon-ride around the farm and that was really fun too. Then we went to Emily's house and celebrated Harrison's birthday. It was a really fun day! Thanks Emily!


Becca said...

ok now i am really sad that I didn't go. It was james' day off so we had lots of other plans, but still. Looks like you guys had a blast! You all look so cute.

We have cute, fun, little families don't we?

love it!

Heather said...

How fun... I love wheeler farm, what a great idea for a birthday!

John said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun. We wanted to build a tree house once too until we discovered how much lumber costs and had only about $100 a month toward everything we need for the house including soap and shampoo.


That totaly looks like fun. Hope you had fun From,