Wednesday, March 26, 2008

DRUG BUST. . . well, not quite.

Wow! What a night! We had stayed up late (our usual routine) and were laying in bed about to go to sleep when a loud truck pulled up and stopped right by our window (our room is right next to the street on 1470 East). The engine continued to run for quite a while. Jon decided to get up and look out the window. There were two guys just sitting there--one with a cell phone that he kept checking. Finally they turned off the engine, but they continued to just sit, periodically checking the cell phone. We didn't like this situation and now it was 12:30am! Jon went down stairs and turned on lights to let them know they were disturbing us. They still sat and waited for something. We decided to call the police and ask if we should be concerned. We sat upstairs peeking through our blinds, hoping they wouldn't see us as we talked to the police. The police said that this seemed very suspicious so they would come out and check it out. Then the truck started up, drove over to the park right next to another truck that appeared to be parked. Then the truck drove away really fast. We told the police they had left, so nevermind. We turned our lights off, settled down from the "excitement" and layed back in bed, being quite tired now that it was almost 1:00 am. Not ten minues later the truck was back in the same spot. We called the police immediately and they said they were on their way and it would be about two minutes. Meanwhile the passanger was getting something out of the glove compartment. He stepped out of the car and there on the seat was two little plastic baggies with white stuff in it!!! At least that's what it appeared to be from the crack in our blinds that we were watching through. Then he grabbed the baggies and disappeared out of our view! We just couldn't see him and we weren't sure where he went. About 1 minute later he got back in the truck! And about another minute later the police showed up--three cars, two of which with huge spot lights shining on the truck. The truck from the park drove away while the police were getting out of their cars (I am not sure if they noticed or if they were even suspicious of the other truck). The police made each guy come out, one at a time and the police had them hold their hands up in the air while they checked them. There turned out to be three guys--the third was in the cab, which was tinted so we didn't see him. He was the creepiest looking. Well, the three guys just sat on the curb while police searched the vehicle for drugs. They searched and searched and talked to each guy individually about what they were up to (probably checking for consistency in story). We realized that the police hadn't found anything, so once again we called the dispatch and told them we had seen something that appeared to us as possible drugs on the passenger seat and that the passenger had left the car and was out of our view for a minute--we didn't know if that would be helpful. They hung up and called the head cop on the crime scene (we had quietly opened our window so we could hear what they were saying--though we couldn't hear much). The message was relayed to him and he started to search around a little more thoroughly. After a long time (almost 1 1/2 hours) they gave up and let the boys go. We were so disappointed that they didn't find the drugs! If only they had gotten there more quickly, darn! The police left and it was quiet again, but now I was paranoid that there were drugs hidden somewhere on our property and that these guys would be back to get them! So I woke up to every noise all night and wondered if something was going on outside--or if they knew we had called the police and were going to get revenge on our family--But we did all wake up alive and well--except extremely tired! We looked around outside. There are many places they could have hidden something, but maybe we didn't see what we thought we saw! Who knows! Hopefully they will learn not to come to the street by our house again--if they do, we are going to call the cops sooner!


Heather said...

oh my gosh... scary as ever. I seem to think we have a problem next door too. They come and go through the gate across the park. Wierd guys and we often smell lovely scents through the window before we close it. yikes. I hope they either never come back or they get busted next time. I love how you guys were leading the police on the whole time. :)

Becca said...

wow! I was so into this story! It's a pretty good short story...except it needs a better ending, like finding the drugs. :o) haha. Seriously, that is way scary. Um....we don't want to rent your house! ;o) haha. Anyway -- I am glad that all went well and you guys are still alive. Don't go anywhere after dark by yourself.

Em said...

Our neighbors did drugs..all the time. The cops came over there on a regular basis, until finally the people were evicted and now our neighborhood is nice again. Ah.

John said...

That sounds like living in Toronto expect that you may wan to add a drunk guy taking off his clothes while the cops pin him down.

Diana said...

YIKES. I didn't think drugs were in our neighborhood. Dang. We have called the cops on our neighbors too (but that was in a different neighborhood and that was a sad story.) But this story was riviting (sp?) You are a great story teller, and I like the new "dark side" look of your blog! lol.