Friday, August 13, 2010

Picnic & Library

We decided to go for a picnic and then to the library yesterday.  The kids were really good about doing their chores and getting ready.  Aubrey even made the sandwiches while I was getting ready.  Jonathan rode his hotwheel and the girls rode their bikes.  Aubrey wanted to ride slowly next to me while I walked and just hold my hand.  It was really sweet.  We talked the whole way there and then we sat in the grass and talked together while we ate.  They asked some question about baby Amelia (who will be joining our family soon) and discussed having babies (not in detail--no worries).  It was fun to visit with them and see their interest.  We also talked about their favorite things that we have done over the summer--it has really been a fun summer--their highlights were swimming, St. George, Aubrey enjoyed school (she was in school until July 2nd), the Rodeo, doing things with cousins, etc.  Then we went over to the playground and played for a while. After that, off to the library, checked out some books and movies--they were really good there too--they each picked their books and sat and looked at them while I picked out some movies for them.  Then we checked out and walked  home.  It was really nice--just peaceful and enjoyable.  I thought it was tender that Aubrey wanted to hold my hand the whole time--I think she is nervous about me having the baby and about starting school next week.


Anonymous said...

So Amy, did you say that you were going to try for a VBAC or just schedule a Cesarean?

family said...

Sweet moments! You are so good at making the most of them.