Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Day

I pretty much always take my kids to the Doctors with me.  My last appointment the nurse commented on how good my kids are.  I was surprised and she said that they aren't super loud and don't run all around and she is way impressed.  She said they can usually tell when kids are there, but with mine, they don't know it until she comes out and sees them.  It made me very proud of my kids.  So last time after the appointment, we stopped at the DI and they each got to pick out a toy (and I was hoping to find some cowboy boots--I really want some so I can fit in here in Riverton--ha ha--not really, but it would be fun to have!)

Yesterday I had another appointment--I am down to the last month!  They were pretty good, not as good as last time, but really, good kids overall.  Then we went to Kohl's--I had to $10 Kohl's cards--YES!!  I got 1 shirt for Jon and 3 for me and spent $5 total!  They do have an awful lot of odd clothes and they are way overpriced.  But if you check out their clearance, it's kind of like DI--you dig and you can find some great deals and pretty cute things.

After the store we went to Grandma's--they are always so excited to go!  We start school next week, so our days are numbered as to what we can just go and do.  We have had such a fun summer, but I am not ready for school to start.  I just can't believe they are going to have Aubrey from 8:30-3:30--that's pretty much ALL day and I just feel like it's too long for the school to have her.  By the time she gets home we will be fixing dinner and then doing homework and the day will be gone--it's just too young to spend that much time away from home.  It's tempting to look into other options, but I know I couldn't homeschool and give all that would be good for her to be prepared to be force for good in this crazy world and environment.  
Well, back to Grandma's.  We were all starving for lunch.  Grandma was out in here garden weeding.  The kids ran back there to say hello and she told them lunch was in the garden--meaning the raspberries and blackberries.  Jonathan and Mariah loved that idea and cheered "hurray!" and started picking berries.  Pretty cute!  I made them some sandwiches though, so they did get some real lunch.
We picked some raspberries, the kids played and I visited with Grandma.  Then we went swimming.  It was just nice to relax in the water.  I made the kids laugh super hard when trying to get on a round inner-tube like floaty.  I climbed up the ladder, centered my bumb over the center hole of the tube.  Sat my behind right into the hole.  This is quite hard to explain--I really need to draw a diagram, but to my surprise my belly was just too big for me to fold my bumb into the center hole enough to balance.  I could not get enough weight distribution with my legs and I completely flipped backwards, headfirst into the water!  I t was hilarious I am sure.  We were all laughing so hard.  I haven't seen all of my kids laugh at me that hard in my entire life!  
After enjoying the pool it was time to get cleaned up and head home.  We were all pretty tired on the drive home.  It was really quiet, so I looked in the rear-view mirror at the kids.  Jonathan was completely asleep.  Aubrey was asleep laying in Mariah's lap and Mariah had her arm wrapped around Aubrey and leaning down asleep.  It was really sweet and cute looking.

1 comment:

family said...

Your kids are so well behaved; good job mom! And that is a precious picture you painted of them in the back seat :)