Monday, September 29, 2014

Women's Conference Sept. 2014

I just found this in my drafts. I'm not sure why I didn't post it, so here it is-ironically the day before the next woman's conference.

It was really neat to be able to attend the Women's conference with my two older daughters-Aubrey & Mariah.  We watched the first part here at home while I nursed Isabelle and we hoped the crazy rain would subside because we had a monsoon right when the meeting started-and we had already had a huge one earlier which had caused quite a bit of flooding in the streets-the water level was higher than the bottom of our car, so I wasn't too keen on driving in it.  Infact, I had already been out driving when the first one hit hard and it is so amazing how hard the rain comes down.  You can't even see out of your window.  I was close to home and in neighborhood streets so I kept going-wondering if I should keep going or pull over.  But I had picked up the kids from a primary activity and the rain started as we were leaving and just from walking from the activity to the car, we were soaked through-dripping as if someone had dumped huge buckets of water on us, and the kids were cold and wanted to be home-well mostly Amelia, since the older kids went outside to play in the rain when we did get home-they played for an hour in it!  This wasn't a typical monsoon either-usually they last 5-15 minutes.  This lasted more than an hour and then picked back up about 30 minutes after subsiding.  We barely had made it home from the activity.  I had to drive on sidewalks at really deep water levels to keep the car more out of the water-it really was crazy!
The rain subsided just as I finished feeding Isabelle and we were able to leave for the Stake center.  Our stake does something called the errand of Angels where all morning on Saturday people bring any of their "DI" donations to the cultural hall and then after the Women's meeting the women get to collect anything they would like.  There was so much stuff and we got quite a few nice things-some clothes, Christmas gifts, and whatnot.  The girls loved that!
Back to the meeting though-as I sat there and listened with my daughters, my heart was really touched realizing that I am their mother and they are growing and learning and listening with me.  I felt the spirit strongly several times during the conference and I knew my girls had been touched too.  It was just a really sweet feeling and moment as a mother.

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