Monday, January 23, 2012

BUSY days!

So much fun and so much we have been doing!  Though by Saturday night I felt all funned out!  Ha ha!  Monday we went and bought baseballs, mits, and a bat.  We have Primary baseball here-so cool!  I never heard of that before!  We walked/rode bikes to a park 1.25 miles away (trying to get my kids really active, so we find new and different parks all of the time--there are tons!).  We practiced hitting the ball and played at the park.  It was a really fun park too-we will have to go to it again!  Another day we went on an adventure walk toward a canal that has HUGE fish in it.  Also there is a backyard with several unique animals (including a giant tortoise).  There are also small seashells along the edge of the canal--way fun and we went 2 miles out (4 miles total--awesome job kids!).  We practiced baseball at another park on Friday and several friends were there, so we got to play with them and I got to visit with their moms.  Saturday we went to Aubrey's game.  It was really fun to watch her play and I was really glad we had practiced through the week.  She actually did pretty good!  She did hit the ball usually within the first couple of throws (in Primary baseball you don't strike out from not hitting the ball.  They keep throwing it until you hit it).  Then we walked to and around the Riparian Reserve (about 4 miles total).  We saw several neat birds, including my first Red Cardinal!  There was a "gang" of geese on the path that about attacked you for food--really quite funny.  Mariah really got scared of them and hid under a blanket in the stroller.  That stroller was the best purchase ever by the way!  I use it EVERY day.  I actually only use the van a couple times a week, if even that.  The garage door opener is connected to my stroller, not in my car.  Pretty funny!  But the truth is we live too close to the school to drive there.  If we try to drive (which we have done twice) there is such a long line of cars to try to cut into that we take way longer than just walking the quarter mile there.  Anyway, I was just thinking about how much we have been going to places--walked places actually-I hate car time and we are loving the weather (yes, I know that will change when the summer comes).  It is really different for me to go so many places and parks; it is just not something I have done a lot of as a mom.  Before we moved here, we had a huge yard, a swingset, a good road to ride bikes up and down, and of course, grandmas house and yard, which are amazing and lots of fun.  We also had the best outside time during the summer when we have tons of family things going on.  So we have great weather in the winter here and are just soaking it in.  But, the kids can't do much at our house (when it comes to being outside).  We did get a trampoline for Christmas-and they love that and it's awesome.  But I want it to stay awesome and not be the only thing they get to do every day.  Good stuff!

1 comment:

Heather H said...

I was just telling Jeff how much I miss all of the outside time we used to get at FT. Huachuca. Like you we barely had a yard but there were TONS of places to walk to and play outdoors. I'd forgotten how little we used our car when we lived in AZ until you mentioned it. I thought it was because we lived on an army post and everything was so close, but it sounds like it's the same way where you are! I know it's hard not to have a yard, but such a blessing to be able to go outside everyday and walk everywhere. So good for you and your kids' health. Keep enjoying it! :)