Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The girls and their "Birthday Parties"

Aubrey and Mariah LOVE to play Birthday Party! It is so cute! They have a toy birthday cake that they love to pretend to eat. Yesterday Aubrey set up a huge birthday party for her doll, Sally. It was time for Mariah to lay down for her nap, but Aubrey asked if Mariah could stay up for a little while for the birthday party. They sang, opened pretend presents, gave their stuffed animals that were in attendance play dishes and served them cake. It was really cute!Sally's presents are in the basket by the table. She opened them before I came into the room. I think they were wrapped in pillow cases and bags.
Sally has the yellow birthday hat on and is Aubrey's doll that is the sister to her baby doll. Aubrey is Sally's mother. She is very serious about that too!
Aubrey told me the names of everyone in attendance--the teddybears were grandpas and she has made up names for them, though I couldn't quite understand what she said their names were.

I asked it I could attend, but was denied attendance because I am not Sally's friend. I am Aubrey's mother and I can't be both, so I can not come to her birthday. It was pretty funny!


John said...

That is really really cute. Do you ever have to sing Happy Birthday for FHE? Aubrey is sure growing up. And again when I read these I think, "I wish we could know you all better."

Becca said...

i cant wait until i can play tea party with Grace. girls are so fun.

Em said...

your girls are so sweet. James loves to play birthday as well, but he never goes to that extent. Man I need a girl. have tea parties, dress her up all I want.