Thursday, March 25, 2010

Aubrey in Kindergarten

We had our first child start school this year--yes I was very nervous and even sad to see her go. On her first day of school I even teared-up. She has very much loved it though and is doing quite well. We just had parent-teacher conferences. When I went in to talk to her teacher, she just said how Aubrey was so kind to everyone and such a great person to have in the class--she even got a little teary-eyed and so did I. She said that she is at a 1st grade reading level now and that her math skills are exceptionally good (which we already knew--she could multiply before kindergarten). It was really nice to hear and Aubrey just sat there very shy, but very pleased. I have been telling Aubrey all year to always be nice to everyone no matter what and that she will be liked. She has made many really good friends. Her class is awesome and is full of really nice and good kids--I wish there was a guarantee that they would all stay together through grade-school--it's the cream of the crop in her class. Anyway, I am very pleased with her and I am not looking forward to 1st grade when she is gone for most of the day!! Why do they have to take our kids for SO long!! Since I haven't blogged in forever--here are some pictures from Aubrey's first day of school--she was so excited and ready to go!!

Aubrey getting her backpack--she was excited & ready to go!
Aubrey doing the Star Trek Vulcan "goodbye" to Jon.
Aubrey posing in front of the door before going to her first day of school.


Becca said...

glad to see you back in the blogging world. Aubrey is SOOOO cute heading off to school. How adorable. It's crazy how fast kids grow up, huh? Man...

you've done well though. She IS really nice. She isn't a brat at all. She is always kind and loving to my kids and very helpful. You are a great mom. To have a kid like that is a huge compliment to your parenting. Way to go!

rozanny said...

She's so cute! Aubrey is a sweetie! It doesn't matter to her that my kids are at least 3 years younger... she always brings things for them and tells me stories.

family said...

Love that Aubrey!

John said...

Aubrey is beautiful and amazing. Kids are such a huge blessing. But I am sure it helps a lot that you and Jon are good and tireless parents.