Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our New YARD!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our yard! What a blessing! It is SO SO SO good for our children! Not only have they been able to thoroughly enjoy themselves in sand, water, and outdoor creativity, but they have also enjoyed good health! While Jon and I worked on getting the garden in it would start to get late, but we wanted to get more done before we took the kids in and cleaned them up and put them to bed. . . we would set up our TV and let them watch a movie outside with popcorn and drinks! They thought working on the garden was REALLY fun and exciting! I think as they get older and have to help us, the excitement of garden work might die down, though we could still bring out the TV and put on a movie if it helps!

Here is Mariah and Jonathan playing in the yard.

The kids "helping" with the garden--I couldn't resist Jonathan's adorable behind!

Jonathan ventuing out into an overgrown corner that we cleaned out and planted grass under (it looks great now)!

Aubrey and Jonathan playing in the water and buckets--they really had a lot of fun!

Mariah giving her toys a bath outside.

The kids with their favorite cousins watching a movie and having popcorn outside.

A Beautiful rainy summer day and the kids running around in it.

The kids having a picnic for lunch--we did this many times--it was really fun (and no kitchen to clean up afterward)!!
Another picnic outside--we all ate outside together on the card table many times.
Our first snow!!

1 comment:

Becca said...

look how cute you and your family is! I can't wait to have a yard. Summer days will be all outside!!!! And i think the movie thing is the cutest thing I've ever seen. What a good idea. I bet they loved it.

I left your seinfeld DVD at mom and dads.