Monday, June 16, 2008

5K--Run Against Pornography

I was joking around with Emily, Johanna, and Heather about how it would be really funny to wear a Hooters or Show Girls shirt to this run. Then I thought that it would really be funny to wear a hooters shirt with the "no" symbol over it. Well, Jon had some guys visiting his office from head-quarters last week. They were actually going to Hooters. Jon told them about this run and how I thought it would be funny to wear a shirt and put the "no" symbol over it. When they got back from Hooters, they handed Jon a sack--two shirts. Now I had to find a second wearer. My siblings didn't really want to, though Jay said he would if I couldn't find someone else. I asked Johanna--whom I had originally joked with and she was planning to run the race with me. She, like myself, thought it would be really funny and said yes. So I made the symbol to put over them and we were set! Now the actual race was really fun! It was really nice to have Johanna to visit with while we ran. We did really good, I thought. We were the last to come in from my family--Emily did great, Jeremy did great, coming in right after her!! Way to go Jeremy!! Jay thought the race was an hour earlier than it actually was and actually showed up for it at that time--and he had another committment that kept him from the race. Bec did great and was pushing Grace! I was pushing Jonathan and having Johanna to talk to and stay with really helped keep me at a regular pace. We only stopped and walked once and not for very long! It was really fun to my siblings there too--though I am the slowest of the bunch so I really didn't see them during the race, just before and after. Jon and the girls were at the finish line and cheered each sibling on as they came through--he got everyone on tape and that was fun to watch! Anyway, I look forward to the next race and I like 5k's because that's a normal amount of running in one shot!We packed cold cereal and sippy cups of milk for the girls. They sat in the double stroller with Jon and cheered runners on. They were really cute!


Becca said...

hey i want to watch the video and see what i look like running post-child birth. :o) I know what I looked like before...basically amazing, but i wonder about now. ;o) jk.

the race was WAY fun...except the hill i wanted to kill someone. But it was relaly great, and it was really fun to see all the family before and after. i loved that part of it! Way to go, Ed! You did a great job and the shirts looked totally fantastic! now i am jealous i wasn't brave enough to wear one.

you're amazing

John said...

Well, the t-shirts are funny. I would not need one as the size of my chest is like one anyway. But mostly I thought that your daughters are soooo cute!!!!


Heather said...

I'm sorry I slept in now more than ever. Looks like a great race, you and Johanna look fabulous! Glad you had a good race, now though I realize that if you only walked for a minute, well probably good I was on my lazy bum sleepin in :)

Jeremy said...

That was a fun race! I'm excited (and a little nervous) to try the 10k

Mary said...

I guess Hooters must have something to do with promoting pornography, huh? I don't get out much.