Monday, April 7, 2008

My Profile Picture

Some of you may wonder what in the heck is that a picture of? Well, it is not the best picture, but it is a cow in a field, tipped upside down. The top caption says "Really, I'm Fine. . . ". My mother-in-law had a pillow that was embroidered with a similar scene. She has since lost the pillow, but when I saw it, I thought that was so funny--and it describes most mother's lives--people ask how you are doing and everything may be in shambles, but we say, really, I'm fine, though it is probably obvious that we are not fine! Anyway, my mom had seen this pillow when we (Jon and I) were first engaged. She loved it and wanted to find one. Finally last Christmas I decided to go ahead and design and make one for my mom for Christmas.
This picture is of the pillow I made.


Heather said...

that's funny, and so true.

Johanna said...

oh i am so sad you will be leaving, but i am sure it will be best for your family. and hallelujah for a yard. we are dying for one around here. good luck house hunting and selling too!!