Monday, November 16, 2009

Running the Marathon--all 26.2 miles!

My cute family after running the marathon--what great supporters!
(And thanks Jay for strutting into my cute family picture.)Disclaimer: This is a REALLY, REALLY long post. It's actually more like a short story. It starts with me getting started to the end of training and running the marathon. You can skip around as much as you want--it was more just for me to sit down and write my experience while I remember it.
The Very Beginning:
I started running in college--loved it! Ran about 4 miles 4 times per week--never felt better and got more done in all of my life--the perfect anti-depressant really!
The Beginning--to the marathon--my first Half-Marathon--Provo Canyon:
Well, it all started last year--with my little sister Emily really. I wanted to get back into running--I had run in college, but through my pregnancies and what not I had run on and off, but never gotten fully back into it. I hurt my back badly (2 herniated discs and a bulging one) and found that exercise was the best thing for it--as long as I was exercising, my back did alright--when I stopped, my back got in trouble. Back to Emily--she started running. She signed up to run a marathon!!! The crazy woman just up and signed up for a marathon! She started training for it--she trained very well infact and fell in love with running. She did awesome at her marathon (even though she got quite sick the week before it and the doctor told her that she wouldn't have the strength to run it). Her marathon was very inspiring. It really made me want to run again--to really be able to run well. She convinced several of us siblings/in-laws to sign-up and train for a half marathon. We started the training. I wasn't convinced that I needed or even wanted to run a half marathon--running a few miles every couple days was good enough for me--so I thought. I actually didn't sign-up for the half marathon--though I was training for it along with several others. We were quite busy at the time--selling our home, moving, working on our yard, planting a garden, and so on as is everyone's lives--so I trained, but as minimally as I could. Training was a 19 week process--going from not really running much to running a half-marathon. I possibly would have not run the half-marathon if Emily hadn't actually called and told me that she had just signed me up, so I better continue training and run it. Now I was committed. On my final run before the half-marathon, my knee started killing me around mile 6 and I was supposed to run 10 miles! I ended up walking quite a bit at the end and I only did 8.5 miles. I was pretty worried that I wouldn't finish the half. Emily explained what the knee injury probably was and gave me pointers to help it (i-t band--stretching, ice, ibuprofen). So I ran the half marathon and it was really neat to accomplish. It was really hard at the end, but had some really fun parts as well. I really felt great for accomplishing such a feat--and to be doing it with siblings was really neat as well!
We all ran the Provo half together--August 2008

I did a half!! Now what?!
(writer's disclaimer--this gets personal--don't read if you don't want to)
I decided that I wanted to keep in good shape--I kept up the running. I started to think about running a marathon--no way, I would tell myself--that's crazy! I started to actually feel like I should run a marathon and that I would be grateful that I did! No way, I would tell myself--too much work and dedication and time that I don't have. Plus we would probably get pregnant soon--we had been trying for almost a year now, but with 3 other little ones, we weren't too concerned that we hadn't gotten pregnant.
Well, time went by and I finally decided I would train for a marathon with my brother, Jeremy. We both began training--two weeks into it I found out I was pregnant. A sigh of relief went through me--thinking, oh, now I don't have to run a marathon, phew--but I am in good shape and that is great so that I can keep running through my pregnancy.
Well, two months later we lost the baby--well, not sure what happened actually--it didn't form correctly and there wasn't much left of it when we did the ultra-sound. Just had 12 weeks of being the most morning sick I have ever been in my life for nothing--that's no fun for sure!

It is Time--do it already! Training Helps---
I began working out with my friend, Heather--we would run to a park, work out and run home--it was great! Another friend of mine told me that she had decided to run a marathon. She was going to run Top of Utah--in September. I was intrigued. My family and I ran a 1 miler together--really fun, I loved it and so did they. I was enjoying running and being in shape. I went to Jeremy's marathon in May--he did awesome! It was so inspiring once again! I knew I wanted to go for it for real this time and that I really wanted to do it! I was enjoying the workouts I was currently doing and I knew that I could do most of my training in the mornings and not take time away from my family. I moved forward with training. I reviewed several training schedules and planned out what I thought would be best for me--Tuesdays & Thursdays--2-3 mile runs and workouts with Heather. Wednesday--medium runs and Saturdays--long runs--working gradually from 6 miles to 21 miles over the course of 18 weeks. I was very worried about getting an injury in training--especially with my bad back. Both Emily and Jeremy had had injuries in training and I had heard all kinds of horror stories about how a marathon is so hard on your body and you should just never do that to yourself. But I honestly felt that it was time and that I needed to do this--I needed to run the marathon--I didn't know why, but I needed to do this--even if it was just for me. Jon was in full support and was willing to let me do whatever I felt I needed to do. I prayed that I would know how to train to help prevent injury and to be able to do well on the marathon. The more I ran, the more I studied tidbits and learned things here and there from other runners, the more I realized that my workouts with Heather were giving me perfect strength training to help me be stronger and do better on my long runs--and ultimately help prevent injury--answer to prayer!
Emily and Jeremy gave me lots of tips about running and distance--eating, stretching--and whatnot. Jay helped me out too (my little brother who is an exercise health nut--an awesome one though). After my long runs I would take ice-baths--yes it sounds crazy, but boy does it heal quickly! I would be sure to get lots of protein for quick healing--drank nasty glutamine powder before long runs. I got pretty sick during the middle of training and my doctor gave me an inhaler--I had asthma in high school and the beginning of college. This helped me greatly--the inhaler. I came to realize that it would really be helpful to have a gps watch to know if I was running far enough. Our finances are tight and I was trying to spend as little as possible on running this marathon. I looked on line and found a used one for a pretty good deal. I called the guy--he was close to Jon's work--Jon went to the bank, got the money and bought the watch. A week went by and the bank hadn't withdrawn the money from our account. Hmmm. . . I told Jon to go back and ask about it--we couldn't assume that it wasn't coming out and then bounce something. The bank had no record of it and said not to worry about it--it was their mistake! Definitely a tender mercy! I got my gps watch for free! It greatly helped--what I thought was a 10 mile run was actually a 9 mile run. I found myself watching my pace and pushing myself to go faster--and always getting in all the miles I planned on--knowing how far I had really gone was very helpful in training.

Training Runs:
When I got to my 14 miler run, Emily ran it with me because I was nervous to run that far on my own--had never run that far before. When I did my 16 miler, Jeremy ran that with me for the same reasons. At the end of both of those runs, I thought I wasn't going to make it--well, I knew I would, but it was so hard and several times I thought I was going to puke or loose something out my back end--you do feel quite sick at times on long runs. I was learning how to gage how much and what to eat/drink during a long run. I had to do my 17 miler by myself. I was pretty worried about that. We were visiting Jon's parents and so I had to find a place to run. I decided to go on the Legacy Parkway trail. I was nervous that I didn't know where bathrooms or water was, but figured they would have some along the way over that long of a distance (though I went out 8.5 miles and turned around). I had my water belt filled with gatorade and a granola bar--so I had at least something--I would need water eventually and I figured I would find some. I had listened to this awesome soundtrack that had a great beat and was powerful--it was in my head helping me along the run. To my dismay, every stop just had a nice little sign--no restroom and no water. I started to get worried as I realized I may not get more drinkage, so I drank sparingly. It got really hard the last few miles and for strength I thought about my dear little family and sweet husband and gave thanks for them--it was actually a neat experience. Thoughts of the temple gave me strength as well. I made it--and I actually felt pretty good! I ran all 17 miles! Went home, took an ice-bath and drank--my favorite--a muscle milk--yum yum!
The hardest training run I did--
was my 19 miler--Emily, Jay and I all met at this awesome trail I had found while camping--that was at the mouth of American Fork Canyon. I wasn't sure how far it went or all the ins and outs. We ran the first 7 miles on a dirt trail--kind of cool. Then we followed a paved trail that took us close to the American Fork temple--we needed more miles, so we ran past the temple. It got quite late, we ran out of drinkage. We still had about 6 miles to go. We did come to a park where we were able to get more water--we greatly needed that! It started to rain quite hard and then turned to hail--that wasn't too fun. At mile 18 I felt like I was "hitting the wall". We had one last huge hill to go up and then we were almost there. Close to the top of the hill that was killing me I somehow got another wind and then finished out feeling great! It was a crazy, hard run! Lots of hills, not enough to eat and drink, and we were unfamiliar with the path. But it was neat to do together (not to mention that it was quite dark at the end and a guy pulled over to "offer us a ride" and the second he saw Jay he sped off--so it was a good thing Jay was there with his rippling muscles to scare off the creepy guy up to no good).

The scariest training run I did:
Emily and I were meeting up Provo Canyon--we were on a little different schedules and I was on a short-long-run week and she was on a long-long run week--I won't explain, but she was running about 15 miles and I was running about 10. She parked 5.5 miles up the canyon, ran down with Jay to where I parked and then Jay left and she and I continued back up to then come back down. Well, it got pretty late--and pretty dark. Though there were actually still quite a few people on the trail as we went up so we didn't think too much about it. When we turned around and were heading back we realized it was actually quite dark--darker than we realized. We also realized that we hadn't seen anyone else for a while--we were almost done though and were just passing Bridal Veil Falls--just a couple more miles to go. South of the falls the trail goes down or up--we stayed up on the top trail. We could see someone ahead and they didn't appear to be moving. Emily called out to them--hey, who are you? I waived my gps watch light at them to see if they flashed one back (many runners have one and do that to let you know they are coming). No response. As we started to get closer we realized it was not a person and it was quite large. It was also not looking at us, but at a group of people down below standing around a fire-pit. At that moment we both looked at each other and said, I think that's a bear! Emily told me to just go down--off the upper trail and onto the lower trail. We ran down--cut through trees and dirt--slipped a bit--I was in front--Emily was not right behind me for a second and I was so scared to turn and look--but I did and she was there, had just slipped--we ran for our lives! We ran under the bridge to Nunn's park--the darkness freaked us out and we screamed as we ran under. We were too scared to look back but as we came to the campground I got worried about the people around the campfire that the bear was watching. We weren't going back, but we did find the campground host and told her. She called police and we had to make an official report. We were so freaked out-2 more miles to go to my car. We continued running on the trail, but it was so dark that we kept getting freaked out of something jumping out at us or any shadows we saw made it unbearable. We decided to run on the highway-yes really dumb--but too scared to take the trail. The highway was quite dangerous really--there is not much of an edge there and lots of cars honked at us--thinking what crazy girls running on the highway--and they were right, but they didn't know that we had just been scared to death by a bear. We finally made it safely to my car. We were just shaking all over and super freaked out! I drove Emily back up the canyon to her car. The people around the campfire and around that area were being sent home and cops had a big spotlight at the sight. We never did find out if they spotted anything, but a bear had been spotted around there a week earlier as well. It was quite the run--I bet we went so fast and I wish I had thought to look at my gps watch to see our pace when we ran away--I bet it was FAST!

My final and my favorite training run:
Jeremy, Jay, Emily and I all had signed up to run the marathon at this point--really neat to do it all together! We decided to meet for our final run. We met close to Utah Lake and ran up to Bridal Veil Falls and back--21 miles total. We met at 5:30am--it was dark, but I hate running in the heat, so early is better for me when I am going to be running for several hours. We all ate our power bars, filled our water-belts with gatorade--Jay had planted some gatorade on the trail as well--and off we went. What I really enjoyed about the run was talking with each other. I have come to learn that you really get close to those you run with. I think that's because you have a lot of time to really talk and because you are working hard at something together so you bond in that way as well. Jay and Jeremy were funny--competing the whole time, but trying not to show it. These two girls passed us at a certain point on the trail and that just upset Jay. For the next several miles his goal was to find those girls and pass them. We did finally meet up with them, talked with them for a while and passed them--but they were training for a marathon as well and one of them was in really good shape--they were good runners. They actually passed Emily and I as Jay and Jeremy kept ahead and got a ways ahead of us--we didn't really care though, it was just the last 5 miles or so of the run anyway. At about mile 19 it got pretty hard--I hold out well until I get close to the end--I try to trick my mind into thinking I have an extra mile more than I really do so that I hold out better--it works sometimes to a point. But I got another wind and really it was a great run! I could have kept going and actually I did for about .25 of a mile. We all stretched out and went home. Jay and Jeremy got talking about how they hope we won't mind if they don't stay with Emily and I at the Marathon--it was kind of funny and we told them that when it comes to the actual race--each to his own to do his best. We probably would all be at different paces on the actual marathon. I actually felt really good for the rest of the day--those ice-baths really help is all that I can say about that!

The Marathon:
The night before was quite the night. Emily, Ben, Sophie (Emily's 6 month old baby), Jay, Jon and I all shared a hotel room. Jeremy and his family stayed with his sister-in-law. It was quite the room--oh did I say hotel--I meant totally motel! Jay got the couch-bed--which seemed to be broken in the middle and every time he moved in the slightest it would squeak very loud. The wonderful air conditioning unit would go on every 20 minutes and would rumble and clank as it came on, waking up the baby who wouldn't really cry, but would get disturbed and fuss for a bit. After an hour of squeaking, rumbling, clanking, fussing, etc. Jon and I just started laughing--it really was funny and we weren't going to get much, if any, sleep--especially since we had to get up at 4:00am to be at the buses at 4:30am. Well, Emily got up extra early with Sophie and then pumped her a bottle. We all just got up and got ready. Jon drove us to the bus stop and amazingly, Jeremy walked onto the same bus as us within a minute of us getting on it!! I think that was a tender mercy--amongst the 3000 other people that were getting on buses, that's really quite amazing! We were all together and on our way through the city and up the canyon that we would be running down and through in just a few hours. It was freezing cold and there was a firepit to stand around. It was fun to visit with the other runners as we all waited. I got pretty nervous as we got closer to start time. And then, it was time. We all started out together and stayed together for a few miles--then Jeremy and Jay went ahead. I had to use the bathroom--darn it--bad for time! Emily waited, then she had to use the bathroom a few miles after that--I waited for her. I stupidly ate a goo--I never did that in training and I shouldn't have done that on the race if I hadn't done it before. It made me quite sick to my stomach and then I had to use the bathroom again--the other kind. I told Emily not to wait or we would waste a lot of time waiting for each other and we all had goals for our time. My goal was to do a good job--not really sure exactly what that was, but to keep under 9 minute miles throughout most of the marathon. The bathroom was a waste--had to wait in line for a few minutes and then I really didn't go very much and still felt sick. Emily had given me an ipod shuffle to use if I felt I needed it--I had never had music while running (except while on the treadmill--and I enjoyed that--seemed to help with speed), but was excited to try it out if I felt I needed it. Well, after coming out of the bathroom, I decided I would put on the shuffle and just book it--it was downhill at this point and I knew I was trained well enough to go pretty fast downhill and not kill myself later in the run. I went for it. I believe the music helped me go fast--I felt like I was flying and felt "flow"--where you just feel like you're not making any effort and you're just flying along. It felt AWESOME! It lasted from about mile 9 to mile 16. At mile 14 I thought I would see Jon--he and Ben were supposed to be there waiting and cheering us on. This is a point I regret in the marathon. I didn't stop listening to the music, I just looked around and was trying to keep a good form and run well--look impressive to Jon. I thought I would see him. But no, I didn't and I was really bumbed--I had really wanted him to cheer me on and to gain strength from that. The sad thing is--he was there--he was calling out to me--I just didn't hear him because I had music on--and he is filming me--I ran right passed him!! I was looking for a red shirt because that is what he was going to be wearing, but because it was cold, he had on a gray sweatshirt over his read shirt. Anyway--that and eating the goo rather than my powerbar, as I had done in training runs are my regrets from the marathon--oh and using the bathroom--won't wait in lines again--it will be roadside service for me. Next time (yes there will be a next time), I will stick to what I did on my best runs. And Jeremy informed me after the race of what he does--I like his theory and I will follow it on my next really long run to see how it works for me. He takes a bite of powerbar just before each aid station and then gets a drink at the aid station. This way he just stays pretty constant throughout his run. I like the powerbars better than the goos because it has more substance than sugar--so next time, like I said, I will be smarter and even if I don't feel like chewing (which is why I didn't eat the powerbar and ate the goo instead), I will chew, and when I expect to see people, I will not have my music on and then I can actually hear them calling out to me--could be quite the church lesson couldn't it?--anyway, back to the race--I remember running next to cars that were going very slow in the backed up traffic. Knowing people were watching helped keep me going and striving to keep a good pace. I stayed under a 9 minute mile for most of the marathon--which I was quite pleased with. The last few miles were pretty hard and I kept finding my pace was around a 10 minute mile and then I would try to speed up, but I usually couldn't very much. As I came to the end I could see my cute little family waving at me--they had a big bunch of red balloons so that I could spot them. Sarah and Ty Webster got those (my niece and her husband)--and they, along with Jons brother Eric and his family and my parents and sister Rebecca all came to cheer us on. Jon and the kids and a niece joined me as I came to the end and ran along with me. As I got to the finish line I got a final burst and ran ahead into the finish. It was awesome! I had done it. I ran the whole time except during the aid stations as I would drink gatorade/water and at the 3 bathroom breaks (such a waste of time, but oh well). My final time was 4 hours and 16 minutes--my average pace was a 9.4 minute mile (but that includes the aid stations and bathroom breaks) and my fastest pace was a 5.45 minute mile. It was awesome and I was very excited to have done it! Emily came in just after 4 hours, Jeremy and Jay stayed together until the very end. Jeremy came in just ahead of Jay around 3 hours and 45 minutes. My dear sweet husband emailed many many people and got them to send me cheering on/congratulation emails that he had me read the night before! He also had a trophy made for me and framed a recognition of all my races that he put together! He also got me a sansa clip (like a shuffle)! He was so good to me through all my training and running and I just love him so much for all that he does for me to support and help me accomplish goals that I want to do! He is a wonderful father and took care of our kids while I was on long runs and whatnot. I am very blessed with the best husband on Earth! Thank you Jon--I couldn't have done it without you!
Here are some pictures from the race:
My family waiting for me--the red balloons so I would know where they were--awesome idea!!
My cute boys!
My cute girls!
Close to the end--family joining me to run to the end.
After coming through the finish line.
Jeremy, Jay, me, and Emily after the race.
Emily and me--what a cute picture!
Me and my sweet husband Jon--we are cute!
Thanks to:
First, thank you to Jon, my amazing husband! What an amazing and wonderful support through all the training and on marathon day! Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful gifts and surprises on Marathon day--you are always so thoughtful and kind to me! Thank you!

Second, thank you Emily for helping me run a marathon and being such an inspiration and such an awesome sister--such a good example of so many things! You are amazing!

Third, thanks to Heather who helped me with strength/core training and keeping me strong and encouraging me!

Thank you Jay and Jeremy for your support--for the runs we did together, your tips and fun personalities--it was really fun to get to know you better as adults!

Thanks to everyone who sent me encouragement and congratulations!

Wow, this really was more like writing a book! But, hey, now I can remember it all better!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mariah's 4th Birthday

Well, as you all know, we start birthday's with making the cake together. Mariah was very kind and wanted Aubrey to help make the cake with us. They both put on aprons and were very good helpers--even if we did have an egg drop on the floor.
Here they are holding up the box mixes--yes we made two, we usually need that much to create whatever we are going to make. They are both getting very good at understanding the back of the box--I didn't even have to tell them how many eggs to get out and that we needed butter and water. It is really fun to see them starting to understand things.
And for their favorite part--licking off the beaters and the bowl.
The following morning we were having a princess birthday tea party--meaning we eat the food on little dishes and we have miniature food. Mariah helped me decorate the cake. This was one of my favorite cakes that I have made because not only did it turn out adorable, it was quite simple and Mariah was able to help me do a lot of the decorating. Here she is putting on sprinkles. She would also put the candy in the middle of the flowers. It was really fun to do it together and she looked adorable sitting on the counter helping me in her pincess dress!
What Mariah wanted for her cake was Snow White on top holding a basket of flowers and flowers all over the cake. She also wanted strawberries on the cake--which I bought and then I totally forgot and we did have a toy basket for Snow White to hold, but Mariah didn't want frosting to get on it. I think it turned out adorable and Mariah loved it anyway!
The previous night, Jon helped me get ready for the party--we wanted it to be extra special for Mariah. You can't really see the whole room, but Jon hung up ribbons all over with flowers on the end of each ribbon--it looked adorable. I made little red tulle bags/purses for each child and we put a bracelet and candy in each bag. Mariah handed them out to each person as they came. The little girls were dressed up and it was really fun to see so many little princesses!
We started with making "princess hats"--a little more complex than I thought it would be, but fun anyway.
Then we made little wands with Stars on the end and headed back to the kitchen for the main event--the tea party! We had lots of miniature food and adorable little dishes and silverware. The kids always have a fun time eating the food. Their favorite part is always drinking out of the little cups.
For dessert we served the cake. Mariah was so excited and had such a wonderful time!
Here is Mariah on the night of her birthday--I think she had a wonderful birthday--We had the party the day previous because several friends could not attend on her actual birthday. On her birthday, she and Aubrey had a primary activity and then we went to a park for a fun picnic dinner and had a lot of fun playing. Then we went home and opened presents. She loved everything she got--of course--Mariah is the type that will love anything and anyone--she says she wants things certain ways, but then is happy with pretty much how ever things turn out.
We had saved the top of her birthday cake from the party to have on the night of her birthday. We sang one final time, had cake, and then watched Finding Nemo and had popcorn. Then we put everyone else to bed and Mariah and I played with her new playdough set and had cookies and milk together. Wow! What a special birthday she had! She was beaming and so pleased to have turned 4 years old!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Toddler Pillows I Made

Well, I am not sure what got into me--I get these ideas and kind of challenge myself. And then I create something and when it turns out good--I am really pleased. I made toddler pillows for 2 of my nephew's birthdays this past week. They both turned out really cute.
The first one I used the party invitation as my guide and this is what I came up with. I think my nephew will really like it--though he was too excited about his birthday to really take any notice. His parents (both lawyers) commented on how it was copyright infringement and that I could be sued. Though they did thank me fo the pillows as well.
Well, I thought it turned out really cute and plan to make another one for Jonathan. He will LOVE it! The first picture is just the pillow-case and the second picture is the pillowcase on the toddler pillow (half of a reguar pillow).The second pillow-case I made is for one of my very favorite nephews and my daughters best friend. I wanted to do something really nice for him because he is just such a good kid and I knew he would love it! I found a picture on-line for his--the funny thing is, I didn't know that the black things on his legs were tires until I got to the birthday party and saw the actual toy!! Funny! When he opened it, he was very excited and exclaimed that it was even his favorite color. All of the little friends around him were petting the pillow oohhhing and aahhhing. It was really adorable and made the work very worth it. I love to create things and do things for people when they really like it. It makes it really fun to do and makes all the time and effort well worth it. The first picture is the pillow-case and the second picture is the pillow-case on the pillow.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

7 years!

Wow, tomorrow I will have been married to Jon for 7 years. I would have to say that at this point in my life I am pretty much exactly where I want to be. We have three wonderful kids, a nice home, a nice yard, and Jon is a better husband and father than ever! Since it is our anniversary tomorrow, I want to brag a little about my amazing husband, companion, and best friend, Jon. These are not in any special order, just as I think of things. I warn you, this is probably a little sappy, so don't read it if you don't want to--I won't be offended.
Jon--the amazing man!
1. He is always extremely kind and tender to me. He NEVER yells at me or gets mad at me--sometimes he gets frustrated with me, but then feels badly--and I usually deserve for him to be really mad at me at those times!
2. He is amazing with our kids! I love it!! He plays with them and he loves it! He brought many toys into our marriage and he and the kids build legos, play He-Man, play Star Wars, play Star Trek, and make up lots of fun adventures! I am not good at doing this, I feel too silly, so I really appreciate his talent in this area. I enjoy doing other things with the kids--things that don't require too much imagination. He is amazing at coming up with crazy fun stories that the kids just love!!
3. He is a good employee--I know this may sound funny, but it is because of his diligence, good people skills, and love for life that has gotten him into his jobs--along with his qualifications, but he really has done well and been a good employee and I appreciate that. I know that he will do all that he can to support our family and make it so that I can stay at home with the children.
4. He has a strong testimony and is very good at teaching our children and being a good example. He helps the kids read a verse of scripture every night at family scripture study, he helps teach them how to say prayers and be reverent and he teaches excellent family home evening lessons.
5. He keeps romance alive. Although we rarely go on dates because of cost, we have so much fun as a couple and we just love being together. We have "dates" at our home after putting kids to bed. We own a ton of DVD's because of this--we wait for a movie to come out and get it for $14 at WalMart rather than going to a theater and paying for tickets and paying a babysitter. He always compliments me, sends me nice emails of how much he misses and loves me, buys me little treats here and there and always holds and kisses me like he truly loves me.
6. He supports me in whatever I want to do. He doesn't boss me or get upset with me--he lets me do things I want to do and supports me in it. He would let me do anything and he would never get after me for spending money (though I am pretty good at not spending money).
7. He helps me immensly with the kids--he bathes them, gets them ready for bed, and for church, he plays with them in the evening when I am tired and often tired of kids. He lets me sleep in at least one of the days on the weekend and takes care of the kids--it is really wonderful.
8. He helps immensly with chores and housework and yardwork. He helps me to get things straightened up each evening, he vacuums and dumps the garbages. He helps with any chore that I don't get done or am falling behind on. He is amazing with the laundry--he checks tags and never dries things that don't go in the dryer. He loves to do the yardwork--he loves our yard. He and I really enjoyed working in the yard togethe last summer--making and planting our garden. We are even making it bigger this year!
9. He takes wonderful care of me when I don't feel good--brings me whatever I want, goes shopping and anything else he can do for me--besides taking care of the kids (he has had to do a lot of this lately with the pregnancy/miscarriage).
10. He is very concerned and aware of my needs and our childrens needs and really tries to address them. He tries to teach/play/guide/discipline the kids according to their needs and tries to really be sensitive to their individuality.
11. And one of my favorite things about Jon is his love and excitement for life. He gets so excited about things and he tries to always see the good side of things. He has a wonderful smile and a wonderful attitude! I just love it!
Okay, I could go on and on, but probably nobody is going to want to read this--I really will have to send it to Jon because he probably won't be reading it anytime soon and he is the one that should read it!
One last thing--
We recently watched "The Holiday"--yes it had some not so good material, but I really enjoyed that movie--such a fun and sweet romance that did my spirits a lot of good.
Anyway, after watching it I just realized how blessed I am to have Jon because he is like the romantic, fun guy in romance movies. Graham was so cute with his kids, totally romantic and tender in that movie and it just reminded me so much of Jon. It was fun to watch a romantic movie and rather than wish for such a romance to happen upon me (as I used to in my young single years) realizing that I had such a romance--I just need to see it more and enjoy it more!

So that is the first 7 years of our life together!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jonathan's 2nd Birthday

I have a tradition with the kids' birthdays to let them help me make the cake batter--and then they get to lick out the bowl. This has been a fun thing to do with them and we usually make it a day or two ahead so that it is cool and ready for decorating the following day.
Here we are putting the cake mix into the bowl.

And then cracking the eggs.

And tasting the finished product! Yeah!

I think our cake making was a success--see how happy he is!

The following day I had to come up with what was going to go on the cake--I usually do a character or something they love. Well right now, Jonathan loves He-Man--yes that outdated show from the early 1980's. We have several He-Man toys as well that he just loves to play with--I think much inspired by a very fun father, who also loves to play with the toys with the kids. So we got on-line and looked up some images for He-Man. Well, I did the best I could at making it similar to the image--definitely not perfect, but not too shabby, and especially for a 2 year old. He loved it!!Jonathan is watching and playing with He-man as he watches the cake being decorated--and Aubrey is also there by him pointing out the things on the cake that really aren't like He-Man--his hair is more orange, his skin is more brown, the wrist bands are too big, etc.

For those of you who don't know, when He-Man pulls out his sword and then holds it like this, there is white light all around him as he gains his He-Man powers.

Jonathan, what can I say--adorable! We actually took the cake to our family Sunday fast dinner so that cousins and family could all enjoy it rather than coming out to our house the following day--making it easier on people. Well, Jonathan didn't really understand that it wasn't his birthday yet, but we were doing the cake and we would do presents the following day. Infact that night he was quite sober and we said, "tomorrow is your real birthday and you will get balloons and presents". His face lit right up and he was VERY excited. Poor kid, I think he thought he just didn't get any presents.

He blew out his candles very well! He loved hearing everyone singing to him!

Another tradition I have is to let the birthday child pick whatever part of the cake they want--Jonathan got the whole sword! Some of the other kids were quite jealous about this, but hey, it's his cake!

We have another tradition that the birthday child gets to open one or two things in the morning that they can play with throughout the day, then we open the rest that evening after dinner. Jonathan is opening his morning gift. We also put candy or small toys inside of balloons and they get to pop the balloons to get the prize. The girls have always been too scared to pop the balloons. Jonathan was another story! He loved trying to pop the balloons and after his many attempts of jumping on and hitting and sitting on balloons with no success, Aubrey gave him a tack. With delight, he popped those balloons, not even flinching--Mariah stood far away and covered her ears!
Later that day, Jonathan was sitting up at the counter looking at the remnants of his He-man birthday cake. He looked up at me very sadly and asked, "where's He-man?" I reminded him that we sang to him and we all ate the cake. I asked him, "did you eat He-man's sword?". He sadly nodded his head and said, "yes." It was adorable!! I told him that it was alright to eat the He-man cake.
Here is Jonathan playing with one of his presents.

Here is Jonathan wanting to see the camera rather than posing for it--he got the foam sword for his birthday and tring to be like He-man, he tucked it in his sweater on his back--what a funny boy!

And finally, since we already did his cake and candles, we made some brownies and sang and blew out candles again! He had a blast! Especially with his birthday extended so much!

Ahhh-the quiet moments, but they just don't last

Well here I am, looking at people's blogs while I eat breakfast. I try to do something when I eat because otherwise I think too much about what I am eating and the mouthfeel and all I can say is that this pregnancy, food doesn't do well with me, especially in the mornings.
The kids are in the tub, playing nicely together--a sound every mother loves to hear. But, why are they in the tub, besides the fact that kids get stinky and sticky in a matter of minutes and need baths on a regular basis.
Well, I woke up to Jonathan trying to climb into my bed, fortunately I have an innate sense of smell that instinctly kicks in whether or not my brain is fully functioning. This instinct told me to not allow him into my bed or to sit or lean against anything and to change his diaper immediately. Yes, he had a major blow-out diaper. So much so that I spent quite a while rinsing the onsie in the toilet to get all the grossness out. Jon would have just thrown the onsie away. This called for a bath, but Jonathan hadn't eaten or I should say, engrossed himself in, breakfast yet--which is usually quite the event in and of itself. He loves to make himelf into an art form with whichever cereal he is having. For this reason I generally don't dress him until after he is finished. So today, I fed him in the tub. It brought back memories of feeding babies and teaching them how to eat, so it was kind of fun, and he didn't get all messy. Aubrey and Mariah could use a bath too, so as soon as they were done eating, I had them get into the tub. Then it was off to start the yucky laundry, clean up the girls breakfast and ahhh, sit and read some blogs. Well, now I have taken too long-- Aubrey is calling for me to come and bath them and Jonathan is getting out of the tub. Off to finish a task in a day of a mother!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

And you thought we only had 3 kids!

Well, it all comes from giving the girls dolls I guess. But to the girls, their dolls are real and a part of our family. This is a birthday party Aubrey and Mariah put on for one of their dolls: Sally, Malie, Sophie, Emily, Doke-n-dokie (yes, my favorite of the doll names), He-man (that is a new name of an old doll that used to be a girl doll that is now a boy doll), Annie, Wanda Joe, Bumpy Bear, and of course--the ultimate favorite doll at the present--Cutie. I have surely left some names out, but I can't keep track of them all. This birthday party was for Bumpy Bear which is a teddy bear that was actually borrowed(?) from Grandma Robertson--I guess the girls are trying to convince him of where he wants to live. They set out plates for everyone, toy food, cups and dishes. Then they proceded to eat and celebrate. It was actually quite cute--they spent several hours doing this--I love when the play nice and are really into something. My favorite of the food items was the fish from the fishing pole game. Anyway, it was quite adorable and fun to listen to, though I was pretending not to listen so that they didn't get embarrassed.

And here is another luncheon on another day that Aubrey was putting on. She is very symetrical--notice how she lays everything out on each side to balance out. I love the random things she has used as "food" and what not.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Jon & Amy Hansen Family in 2008--What do you know about us--what is True and what is False?

This is the answers to our "Christmas Letter" we sent out--wait to read this entry until you recieve your Christmas Letter/Email.

Note--When we say Jon, we are referring to Jon, my husband and the father of our children. When we say Jonathan, we are referring to our youngest son.

The Jon & Amy Hansen Family in 2008
What do you know about us—what is True and what is False?

1. Jon got a new job in Murray, Idaho.
Answer: False--Jon's new job is in Murray, Utah--this is a small picture of where his office is.
2. Jon and Amy sold their townhouse and bought a home
in Riverton, Utah.
Answer: True--We love our house! Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures in the summer when it looks a lot nicer outside, but here it is in the snowy winter!

3. Amy ran a race in a Hooters shirt.
Answer: True--refer to Blog entry in the Blog Archive (right hand side of page) click the arrow next to 2008 and then click the arrow next to June and then click on "5k Run Against Pornography"
4. Amy ran a half marathon.
Answer: True--it was all because of her sister, Emily who actually ran a full marathon earlier in the summer and got several of her siblings to run a half marathon with her in August 2008. It was actually really neat to do and not as hard as I thought it would be--I plan to run more half marathons--I am not sure about a full marathon though.
In order of appearance: Emily Morrise, Ben Morrise, Jeremy Robertson, Jay Robertson, Amy Hansen, Emily Robertson, Rebecca Clary

5. Aubrey and Jon designed and made a Star Trek Enterprise ship out of Lincoln Logs.
Answer: False--It was actually made out of Legos. Jon and Aubrey drew out plans and worked on it for a couple of weeks. They really came up with something neat!

6. Mariah wore hot-pads for shoes.
Answer: True--it was really quite funny, though she wasn't trying to be funny, she was just "dressing up".
7. Jonathan hates playing with Star Wars toys.
Answer: False--all of our kids love getting out the special Star Wars toys--it is one of their favorite things to do with Jon. Jonathan very much loves Dad's special toys--he loves He-Man, Star Wars, Star Trek, and legos--just like his dad. He is just the sweetest and most delightful little boy--most of the time.

8. Our cat had two “6 toed” kittens.
Answer: False--she had five "6-toed" kittens--pretty spooky! We actually did get rid of all of them except for one.
9. We loved taking care of our yard and planting a garden this summer —Jon even loved mowing the lawn.
Answer: True--refer to December 2008 blog on our yard (in the Blog Archive, click on the arrow next to 2008, then click on the arrow next to December and click on "Our New Yard, YEAH!")

10. We canned peaches, pears, grape juice, dill pickles, tomatoes, tomato soup, apples, pumpkin, chicken, green beans, corn, pinto beans, black beans, kidney beans, and potatoes.
Answer: False--we canned all of those except for corn, kidney beans, and potatoes--refer to December 2008 blog on our Garden (in the Blog Archive, click on the arrow next to 2008, then click on the arrow next to December and click on "Our new House--and the garden Summer 2008")

11. Jon was almost arrested on Legacy Parkway.
Answer: True--Amy ran the Legacy Parkway 10K race--this was a race that happened in the morning before they opened the parkway to the public. Jon dropped Amy off for the race an hour before it started and was going back home to get the kids and his parents (we had spent the night at his parents home). Well, the security on the parkway was very tight and they only had traffic coming one way--to the starting line. They weren't letting cars out. So Jon asked several volunteers and cops how to get back out and was told several different answers, with a, "well, I am not really sure". Finally a cop told him to go a certain way. Several cop cars suddenly went speeding in the direction Jon had gone. They were after Jon and determined that Jon was up to something--like destroying the parkway--and that he was lying about dropping Amy off and having to go back home to pick up the kids and his parents since we didn't want to wake the kids too early and have them just waiting for the race to start in the cold. Finally they let him go, but made him go another way. It was a fun adventure!

12. Amy finished the infamous t-shirt quilt—it’s only taken 2 years!
Answer: False--it took 6 six years! It's not pretty by any means, but it has a lot of history--if that counts for anything! Jon and I started making it when we were first married. It is our t-shirts from our childhood up to when we first got married. Each year I have pulled it out in the winter-time and worked on it for a while and finally this winter, I finished it!

13. Aubrey made a life-size puzzle of herself.
Answer: True--Aubrey drew and cut out this "puzzle" as a Christmas present for her cousin, James (Emily's little boy). It was really cute and she worked really hard on it! She also had cut out boots to cover the feet, but had left them at home (this picture is at Grandma Robertson's house when she gave James the gift.

14. Mariah dressed up Skeletor (He-man villain) in her doll clothes.
Answer: True--our kids love He-Man--they are going to sadly discover when they go to school that nobody else plays with, watches, or even knows who He-Man is!

15. Jonathan has super powers—he’s still trying to learn how to use them.
Answer: True--Jonathan tried flying off of the stage at the Ward Christmas party--he almost convinced us that his practice flight only looked like a fall.

16. Aubrey is very good at writing and drawing—she used pretzels to spell out Mariah’s name.
Answer: True--she spends a great deal of time drawing and writing. This was a lunch-time activity that she and Mariah came up with.

17. We got to be in “The Days of 47” Parade in Salt Lake City.
Answer: False--we were in "The Days of 47 Children's" Parade--it was still pretty cool and they had a free children's fair afterward (bounce houses, blow-up slides, and other fun activities).

18. The kids milked a real cow at the Utah State Fair.
Answer: False, they milked a fake cow at the Utah State Fair--it was really quite a cute set-up done by FFA for kids to do farm chores.
So those are several of the events that took place this past year--of course many more fun and adventurous things have also happened! Our kids really are adorable and we enjoy them--most of the time! Jon is the most wonderful father and husband ever and I am very blessed and grateful for that! We love our home and yard and have had a wonderful year filled with many blessings!